Ky Vian is an Orlando based, multi-disciplinary artist. He works in a wide variety of mediums and subjects, capturing an often edgy, colorful vision. Since graduating from the University of Central Florida, he has published several books, and worked with other creators on projects ranging from YouTube, to Costume Design.

As a general rule, Ky’s work is a story. From comic books, to his paintings, the meaning is in telling something organic and compelling about the human experience. From Pain, Love, Heartbreak, Success, Loss- it’s all there. Often, in his paintings, the strokes that make up the prismatic cacophony are actually words upon words, creating almost a “hidden poetry”.

Currently, Ky is working with his husband and sister to be a voice and creator for LGBT youth. As a gay, trans man, his goal is to express the need for “self”, and living life as a true vision of what one wants to be.